KONRAD ADENAUER | European Parliament
Client : European Parliament
Location : Luxemburg - Plateau Kirchberg
Budget : 14 mio €
Period of completion : 06/2019 - 10/2023
This building project is intended to regroup the functions of the Secretariat General of the European Parliament, currently housed in different buildings, in a single geographical location, the Avenue Kennedy in Luxembourg-Kirchberg. For this purpose, the Konrad Adenauer building, which is at the heart of the project, will be extended and upgraded.
With a total surface area of 250.000 m², the new complex will house 3.000 offices, 10 meeting rooms and 4 videoconference rooms.
Beddeleem supplies and installs 10.000 m² of JB PURE 100 movable partitions and 1.600 glass doors, 18.000 m² of JB 2000 relocatable partitions and solid doors and 1.500 noise absorbing elements.
Beddeleem was also responsible for the furniture : seats made to measure between the JB partitions, chairs and tables in the cafeteria, outdoor furniture (including tables and crutches and concrete furniture).